Seal of Biliteracy

Seniors who are proficient in a language other than English will be able to take a test that could lead to their being awarded the Maryland Seal of Biliteracy.  (This is a prestigious add-on to the graduation diploma which attests to the student's high proficiency in at least one language in addition to English.)  The tests will be available in numerous languages.  Students who think they would be eligible are requested to complete this google survey seal of biliteracy by February 26.   Additional information about the award can be found at mcps seal info and on the Wootton Web page .  The seal can also be earned by the achievement of a 4 or 5 on an AP language test.  Please note the following: 
For the 2020-2021 Implementation: 
  • MCPS will remotely administer the assessments to seniors only.

  • Tentative testing window: March 2021 through April 2021.

  • Students will only have one opportunity to test, there will be no retakes.

  • Testing will occur during school hours, in a 3-hour session.

  • Testing fee: $27. MCPS will continue to cover the cost of the assessment for students who wish to assess in their native/heritage language and are not scheduled to take an AP language exam. More information to follow.

  • Any other questions can be directed to World Languages Resource Teacher, Mr. Anthony DeRosa .