
  • Students should transition to period 1 at 7:40 AM. Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes.
  • Parents and caregivers must write or email student excused notes to the attendance secretary within three (3) days of a student's absence from school. Please contact Ms. Chantal Louis-Charles, attendance secretary, at regarding attendance concerns.
  • A physician's note is required for any student absence of five (5) or more days due to illness.
  • Early dismissal notifications must be submitted to the attendance teller window prior to the start of school.
  • Students who anticipate being absent should submit a note from their parent or caregiver to the attendance teller window 48 hours prior to the day of the absence (college visits, school-related activities, religious observances, etc.). College visits are limited to grade 11 and grade 12 students and may not exceed three (3) days per year.
  • Students who participate in school sports teams and/or extracurricular activities must attend school all day to participate in sports teams and/or extracurricular events.
Excused Tardies
  • Upon entering school, students are to digitally sign in at the attendance teller window submit a note from their parent/caregiver that includes the date, student name, ID, grade, date of absence, reason for absence, parent/caregiver name and signature, and contact number. The attendance secretary will provide the student with an excused pass to class.
  • Students may also receive an excused pass from the main office staff, teachers, and counselors during the school day (e.g., passes to the restroom, counseling, career/internship, teachers, and administration).
  • Students who arrive tardy to school due to a late Montgomery County Public School bus should stop at the main office to receive an excused pass.
Unexcused Tardies
  • Students may transition to any class, cafeteria, auditorium, and gym in under 5 minutes.
  • During the first 20 minutes of the first period, students must report directly to class without stopping at the attendance teller window for a pass.
  • Students who arrive at school after the first 20 minutes must digitally sign in at the attendance office, where they will receive an unexcused tardy pass.
  • Chronic tardiness to school and/or classes will result in progressive disciplinary action, including teacher conference, parent and/or caregiver contact, teacher-led consequence, and referral to the grade-level administrator for administrator-led consequence.

Early Departures

  • Students should drop off their early departure permission notes starting at 7:20 AM at the attendance window in the main office. The attendance secretary will prepare the early departure pass. ALL students must sign out of the building at the attendance office before leaving the building. Students returning the same day after an early dismissal must sign back into school at the attendance office.
  • Students may only leave the building with approval from the attendance secretary or principal designee.
Excessive Absences Both Lawful and Unlawful
High school students with excessive absences, both lawful and unlawful, may be referred for appropriate intervention. At the discretion of the principal or principal designee, students who demonstrate a pattern of absences may be referred to the school counselor, pupil personnel worker, and/or outside agencies for intensive interventions designed to increase daily attendance. 
Extended Absences Needing Prior Approval
  • Students requesting an extended absence must bring a note from their parent/caregiver to the grade-level administrator for prior approval. If approval is granted, a notification will be shared with the student's classroom teachers and counselor. The attendance office will retain the original copy for the student file.
Extended Medical Absences
  • Extended medical absences may require the involvement of the school-based educational management team (EMT) and/or student well-being team (SWBT) and may result in referral to intermittent instructional services (IIS).

Attendance Note Template