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FY 2010 Operating Budget: Question & Answers

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During the budget process, questions asked by members of the Board of Education at public hearings and work sessions are compiled. Appropriate staff from Montgomery County Public Schools respond to the questions with written answers that are forwarded to Board members.

Answers to other budget questions may be requested from the Department of Management, Budget, and Planning. Ask a budget question

Browse by Question

  1. Question: Provide an update on the status and availability of the report from the Secondary Learning Center Transition Project Management Team.
    Answer (PDF) | Attachment (PDF)
  2. Question: Referencing the testimony of the Watkins Mill Cluster, how many students are enrolled in the Watkins Mill International Baccalaureate (IB) program and what is the capacity?  What would be the cost to split the Richard Montgomery High School (RMHS) program to create two catchment areas?  What would be the process to start a Middle Years Program (MYP) in the Watkins Mill Cluster?
    Answer (PDF)
  3. Question: Provide a list of elementary school enrollment starting with the schools with the lowest enrollment.
    Answer (PDF)
  4. Question: Provide clarification on the rationale for the change in the Home School Model.  What are the roles and responsibilities of special education teachers and paraeducators in the Home School Model and how will those services be provided in the future?
    Answer (PDF)
  5. Question: Provide a detailed explanation of the reorganization in the Department of Student Services. 
    Answer (PDF)
  6. Question: Respond to the testimony of the ESOL Advisory Committee and provide information on the budget changes in the ESOL program for FY 2010.
    Answer (PDF)
  7. Question: How many students are coming into the Middle School Magnet Consortium from out of the area?  What is the process for student selection? Is there a preference given to FARMS students? How many out-of-area applications were there last year for this year’s enrollment in 6th Grade?
    Answer (PDF)
  8. Question: Respond to the Churchill Cluster’s concern regarding the risk of losing AP certification if adequate funds are not available for science materials to perform the labs that the College Board requires for AP status.   
    Answer (PDF)
  9. Question: Respond to the Richard Montgomery Cluster testimony regarding the change in average kindergarten class size at focus schools from 15 to 17.  If a class size exceeds 17 students will the school receive an additional teacher?
    Answer (PDF)
  10. Question: Will the reduction of 8.7 elementary special program teacher positions impact the French Immersion classes at Sligo Creek Elementary School?
    Answer (PDF)
  11. Question: What are the changes proposed for copier maintenance and what are the anticipated cost savings?
    Answer (PDF) | Attachment (PDF)
  12. Question: Provide a chart showing the impact of FY 2010 budget reductions for Title I schools, focus schools, school with high FARMs rates, and schools that have not met AYP.
    Answer (PDF))
  13. Question: Provide a list of elementary schools that do not have assistant principals.
    Answer (PDF)
  14. Question: What is the policy and cost related to transportation of out-of-area students to Middle School Magnet Consortium schools?
    Answer (PDF)
  15. Question: Is there a proposal to eliminate the CAPP program?  What will replace the program and will the same quality services be provided at the same student to staff ratio?  Where will it be located? 
    Answer (PDF)
  16. Question: What is the total special education enrollment projection for FY 2010?  Why is there a projected increase 600 special education students and how was this projection determined?
    Answer (PDF)
  17. Question: There is a possibility of a cut in state aid for nonpublic placements.  What is the number of students receiving nonpublic placements?  What is the amount budgeted for FY 2010?  What would be the impact of a reduction in funding from the present 80 percent to 50 percent? 
    Answer (PDF)
  18. Question: What middle schools have an 8 period day where teachers teach 6 periods?  Provide MSA data for these schools and all other middle schools.
    Answer (PDF)


Updated January 27, 2009 | Maintained by Web Services