Special Programs → Language Immersion Programs



The goal of the Montgomery County Public Schools’ foreign language program is to educate students in a language and culture in order to make them knowledgeable and active members of a global society. Students will learn to use foreign languages for meaningful communication in both spoken and written form. The foreign language program emphasizes language as it is used in real-life situations that students are most likely to encounter. Through foreign language study, students develop sensitivity to the cultural and linguistic heritage of other groups, understand their influence on American culture, and become prepared to participate in a society characterized by linguistic and cultural diversity."

- Montgomery County Public Schools Department of World Languages Program Philosophy



"Immersion is a method of foreign language instruction in which the regular school curriculum is taught in another language. A two-period block of instruction enables students to enhance their language development as well as complete the social studies courses in French and Spanish." -

-Montgomery County Public Schools Special Programs

Staff e-mail addresses and phone numbers are listed in the Staff Directory

Tanya Busch Garcia

Spanish 3 & Content Specialist


Karen Agnez

French Immersion & French 3


Caroline Byrne

Spanish Immersion & French 1


 Stephanie Cortes

Spanish 1 & Spanish Immersion Historical Inquiry 7

Adrian Fontes

Spanish Immersion & 

Spanish for Spanish Speakers


 Elsa Mamani Pachuri 

Spanish 1 & Spanish Immersion Social Studies 6


Franklin Mendoza

Spanish 2 & Spanish for Spanish Speakers

Rowena Njie

Spanish Immersion & Spanish 1


Catherine Priser

French Immersion & French Immersion Historical Inquiry 6



Slaviana Stoyanova-Linker

French Immersion & French Immersion Historical Inquiry 6



Rodica Ursu

 French 1 & French Immersion Historical Inquiry

Nadia Villa

Spanish 2




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