C.A.S.E- Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education 

By 2025, 8 billion people will live on Earth 

(census.gov, 2020) 

Through CASE, students will address how to support this population and maintain the “renewable” in renewable resources.

CASE, the Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education is a national curriculum designed to include hands-on, student centered lessons, projects, activities, and labs. As a Career and Technology Education Pathway (CTE) students are prepared for careers in agriculture that solve 21st century problems. 

Not all students enroll in CASE courses to complete a pathway, some students enroll in a course or two out of interest. Students who choose to follow the pathway will take all of the courses over 3 or 4 years. The courses follow this sequence however, students may accelerate their pathway by taking two courses in one year (see below).

CASE courses are described further here:

Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

Agriculture within natural resources.

Natural Resources and Ecology

Study of the natural world including human interaction-Earth interactions.

Environmental Science Issues

Research-based course centered on solutions to complex environmental problems.

Agricultural Research and Development

Culminating course emphasizing teamwork toward a creative solutions to complex problems in agriculture.

All of our courses take place in Sherwood High School’s premier greenhouse!