RHMS Special education department

Daphne Williams, Special Education Content Specialist

The Special Needs Department offers services to students who are identified with a specific educationally related disability. Services are provided based on the Individualized Education Program for each student. The main focus is to use the curriculum for each specific grade and subject to address the goal and objectives. A variety of strategies and accommodations are incorporated into the program. Classes are offered as a continuum of services ranging between self-contained, inclusive, and consult classes.

Special Education-LAD: Learning and Academic Support

LAD = Learning and Academic Disabilities Services

Learning and Academic Disabilities (LAD) serve students who require special services who qualify for Special Education services for a variety of reasons including Learning Disabilities, Speech Language Impairments, Autism, or Other Health Impairments. Students in the program receive support in the setting that best meets their academic needs, including self-contained and inclusive classes. LAD staff is trained in strategy based teaching and focus on incorporating the strategies as the students access the general education curriculum.

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