Covid Pool Testing


  • At any time parents can decide to give consent to have their children who are in-person at school tested by completing this CONSENT Google Form.
  • Parents can opt out at any time and would just need to let the school know so that your child would be removed from the designated testing group.
  • The test is noninvasive and not painful at all and easily self-administered under the direction of a health professional.
  • Testing will occur every week on Thursday.
  • Students can come to the PTR anytime between 8:15 AM and 1:00 PM for the rapid covid testing.
  • Results are anonymous and will only be identified by a group number. 
  • Students are randomly placed in groups. 
  • The school should have access to the anonymous group testing results 2-3 days after the tests.
  • If any of the groups has a positive test we will follow the MCPS procedures for notification to those in the group, we will follow our contact tracing protocols, and notify the larger community as needed.  

Thank you all for doing your part to help keep our school community safe.  

VIDEO regarding testing