AP Exam Updates

Students registered for AP exams will begin testing this week on May 10th and continue through June 10th.  It is very important that your student reviews the MHS AP Exam Schedule and their test day in AP Classroom so that they know the date, time, format, and location of their exam.  Most students will take their exam in the digital format and will need to complete several steps to prepare for taking their exam.  Review the presentation materials below carefully for information on technology requirements, Chromebook information, and a timeline of actions students will need to take in the digital testing app.  
Attendance Policy:
Students scheduled to take in-person and digital AP exams will be marked for an excused absence on the day of their exam.  Students are responsible for making up any missed assignments and can choose to attend their Zoom classes before or after their exams if they wish.  Mrs. Snyder, AP Coordinator, will submit the names of students registered to test to the attendance secretary and teaching staff.
Please send AP Exam questions to Mrs. Snyder, AP Coordinator at Virginia_B_Snyder@mcpsmd.org.