• LTA Kindergarten Gallery of Gadget Printed Gardens Spring 2023Welcome to another student art show, brought to you by the Spring 2023 Kindergarteners of LES!

  • LTA LES STUDENT ART MCPS ARTS FAIR 2022 Enjoy the wonderful student artwork from Laytonsville Elementary School, MCPS Arts Fair 2022. There are so many talented artists at Laytonsville and not enough space to show all the excellent work. All students at Laytonsville should be very proud of their creative work.

  • LTA STUDENT ART CERAMIC GINGERBREAD 2022 Make yourself a plate of cheese and crackers. You're invited to our 1st Grade Art Show of student ceramic gingerbread. Be delighted as you peruse the wonderful array of personalities coming through each piece. Every artist is unique and so is their artwork. Beautiful work, 1st Grade!

  • LTA LES STUDENT ART PRINTMAKING LEAF DRAWINGS These amazing 4th grade artists worked very hard throughout the whole printmaking process, from their observational drawing to the signing and numbering of their prints. But, working hard can also fun! The magic of pulling prints kept our art room full of excitement. After making a huge printmaking mess each lesson, we all pitched in to clean-up (could this be the most valuable skill I teach?!). ENJOY!

  • LTA STUDENT ARTWORK PAPER MOLAS Enjoy the detailed collage work of 3rd grade artists! These students worked hard, using contrast and repetition to draw the viewer in. Learning to paper cutting techniques as well as gluing with finesse - skills that up their craftsmanship and build fine motor precision.

  • LTA STUDENT ART OIL PASTEL PUMPKINS 2021One of the exciting perks to working with so many artists is seeing their original twist on the creative tasks I've set before them.I am so proud of all their drawings. They used value and contour lines to create depth. They also worked to create contrast with color, texture, and value. Great work, artists!