Instrumental Music

Ms. Lisa Brooks, Instrumental Music Teacher
2022-2023 School Year

Instrumental Music at Greenwood Elementary School is open to all fourth and fifth grade students. It's a great way to learn how to play a wind instrument or a string instrument! Students develop self-discipline in practicing music and performing in a group. Click on the link below to learn more about elementary instrumental music in MCPS.

Included in this link are an instrument demo video, and a list of music stores from which to rent instruments.  Students beginning on an instrument this year may choose from the following instruments: violin, viola, cello, flute, clarinet, trumpet, and trombone.  (Students who played clarinet last year may choose alto saxophone if wished.) Students will be enrolled on their first choice instrument listed on the registration form, provided it is one of the instruments listed.

To sign up for instrumental music at Greenwood click here

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Brooks at


Do you have a musical instrument sitting in your basement or attic collecting dust? Please consider donating it to the Greenwood Elementary School Instrumental Music Department. We will clean it up and do minor repairs. You can use your donation as a tax write-off and feel great knowing that a Greenwood Gator is getting the opportunity to participate in the instrumental music department because of your generosity!


Here is a list of some of the area music stores that rent instruments. I recommend going to a violin shop for the string instruments, if possible. If you were at the meeting before Back to School Night, you probably already have this list. If you already own an instrument (or can borrow one from a family member or neighbor), have your child bring it to their lesson next week and I’ll check it out for you. Please rent or buy an instrument from a reputable music store, and not from an online auction or big box store. There are some really bad instruments being sold out there and your child is less likely to be successful if they are playing on a poor quality instrument. Thanks and let me know if you have any questions!


Ten Lessons the Arts Teach by Elliot Eisner
 musical notes