Home of the Bobcats

Brookhaven is committed to "Creating a Community of Learners!" 

The Bobcat Code is the cornerstone of our new "Keeping the Code" program for encouraging positive student behavior.  Ask your child about the green, yellow, orange, and red stoplights in his or her classroom. 

Bobcat Code 

I am caring.

I am honest.

I am respectful.

I am responsible.

I give my best effort, even when it's hard.

I am here to learn 

I do the right thing all the time, with NO excuses!

I behave this way, even when no one is looking,
because I am proud of myself.

I am proud to be a Brookhaven student! 

What does it look like when I am keeping the code?

bobcat smileWays to show I am CARING: cooperating, talking nicely, smiling at a classmate, helping a classmate, lending a pencil, making room in line, giving personal space.

.bobcat frownWays to show I am NOT CARING:  bullying; fighting; teasing; threatening; hitting; kicking; tripping; bumping.

bobcat smileWays to show I am HONEST: telling the truth; taking responsibility for my actions, even when they are wrong; borrowing things only with permission; returning what I borrow; playing fairly at sports and games.

bobcat frownWays to show I am NOT HONEST:  lying; spreading gossip; being sneaky or tricky; cheating; stealing.

bobcat smileWays to show I am RESPECTFUL: following directions given by an adult; looking at the person who is talking to me; dressing appropriately; touching only my own things; being careful with supplies and materials; writing only on paper, marker boards, and chalkboards.

bobcat frownWays to show I am NOT RESPECTFUL: not following directions; wearing hats in school; chewing gum; bringing inappropriate items, like cell phones, to school; using inappropriate language; saying mean things.

bobcat smileWays to show I am RESPONSIBLE:  taking care of all materials and supplies; standing nicely in line, hands and feet to myself; using the bathroom correctly; using materials correctly; picking up after myself; bringing homework to school; bringing Friday Folders back; bring materials I need to class, such as having a pencil; being on time; using materials, such as scissors, in a safe way; walking silently in the hall.

bobcat frownWays to show I am NOT RESPONSIBLE:  behaving unsafely; damaging materials or property; disturbing an activity; using materials, such as scissors, in an unsafe way; bring guns, knives, or anything dangerous to school.