School Improvement Plan 2022-23

The School Improvement Planning (SIP) Tool is meant to serve as a living document and be used by the school to capture your school progress efforts throughout the year. Guiding tenets of the work this year include: 

  • Setting school-specific goals only after data is examined and analyzed in a comprehensive manner 
  • Prioritizing Mental Health and Well-Being
  • Committing to the importance of quality, equitable first instruction 
  • Ensuring antiracism and trauma-informed practices are lenses through which we examine all school improvement efforts

As we are in a transition year with the SIP process, schools have the ability to create their own SIP goal, so long as schools craft a math and literacy goal as measured by relevant data within the 2022-2023 Evidence of Learning Framework. Math and Literacy goals should be written from baseline data toward a specific growth target.

This planning tool should serve as a living document and be used to capture your school progress work throughout the year. Links to this document that represent your reflections, plans, and results are added to our working version (not posted on the web due to data confidentiality). You will notice the guiding questions reflect our commitment to support embedding the focus on equity and learning on anti-racism into all of our work.  

Click here to view a draft of our 2022-23 School Improvement Plan.