
Enrollment / Withdrawal

The Registrar is responsible for all new-student registrations and current-student withdrawals. Please email Mrs. Bonner to enroll or withdraw a student.

New Student Enrollment

Prior to enrolling a new student at B-CC High School, please be sure to check that the *residence is within the boundaries assigned my MCPS by using the School Assignment Tool. After determining that this school is the correct school to register with, please download and fill out the New Student Packet. For more information, please refer to policies related to enrollment. Once you have reviewed the requirements, please contact Mrs. Bonner, our Registrar. The Registrar will not take walk-in appointments for enrollments.

Please be sure to bring the following required materials to your registration appointment:

1. Completed New Student Packet
2. Parent / Guardian
- With Government-Issued Photo Identification
= Driver's License
= Passport
3. **Proof of Residency in the B-CC High School Area
- Utility Bill
- One of the Following:
= Lease
= Settlement Sheet
= Tax Assessment Bill
4. Student Birth Certificate
- Passport (ONLY if no birth record)
5. Student Clearance / Withdrawl from Previous School
6. Student's Unofficial Transcript from Previous School
- Must Include ALL High School Level Courses (Grade 6 - 12)
7. Updated Immunization Record
- Must Fulfill Maryland Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene "Back to School" Requirements

*If residence is outside of the B-CC community, student must filea Change of School Assignment with MCPS. No enrollments for residents outside of school boundaries will be made without completion and receipt of a COSA.
**If the student resides outside of the B-CC Community, proof of COSA must be presented.

New Student Packet

New Student Information and Emergency Forms

Clearance and Withdrawal

In order to withdraw and be cleared from B-CC High School or MCPS, the Registrar must be notified and appropriate Clearance procedures to be completed. The withdrawing student will not be cleared to be enrolled in another institution if these conditions are not met.