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Student Service Learning (SSL)

Student Service Learning (SSL) Notes

Give a Little Time…Make a Big Difference

SSL:  Promotes Responsible Action.

  • Verification of service performed during the summer can be turned in to the SSL coordinator until the deadline for turning in documentation, which is the last Friday in September. 
  • Verification of service performed during the summer and first semester can be turned in throughout the semester but the deadline for turning in documentation to the SSL coordinator of service performed during the summer and first semester is the first Friday in January. 
  • Verification of service performed during the summer, the first semester, and second semester can be turned in throughout the semester but the deadline for turning in documentation to the SSL coordinator of service performed during the summer, first semester, and second semester is the first Friday in June.  
  • Students find meaningful service-learning opportunities that result from direct action with recipients.  Activities such as serving food at a soup kitchen, tutoring a child in reading or math, and playing the piano for residents of a hospital are examples of direct action.
  • Consider qualifying for MCPS SSL award programs.  The Superintendent’s SSL Award recognizes students who meet the SSL graduation requirement (75 hours of service) while in middle school.  The Certificate of Meritorious Service recognizes graduating seniors who have documented 260 or more hours of service.  Students must qualify for these awards by the First Friday in April.  
  • All SSL opportunities must be supervised by adults (who are not a relative of the student) representing nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations.  For-profit nursing homes and assisted living facilities are the only exceptions to the nonprofit rule, and these require a pre-approval form to be filled out in advance. 

Questions about SSL hours - email Mr. Bayeck

About the SSL Graduation Requirement

About the Student Service Learning (SSL) is a graduation requirement for all students earning a Maryland high school diploma. Students perform this community service with an approved nonprofit organization and must include the phases of preparation, action, and reflection. Students in Montgomery County Public Schools are required to earn 60 SSL hours. Credit for service learning can be earned starting the summer after Grade 5 and must be completed by high school graduation. Students may earn SSL hours in the following ways:

Successful completion of courses that have automatic SSL hours attached. In middle school, students receive 10 SSL hours after satisfactory completion of service-learning projects in 6th-grade science, 7th-grade English and 8th-grade social studies, for a total of 30 hours.

Participation in Service-Learning Activities Sponsored by School Clubs and Organizations

Participation in activities with nonprofit organizations that are pre-approved for SSL. Participation in service-learning activities sponsored by organizations not pre-approved for SSL requires advance approval by the SSL coordinator using the Application for Student Service Learning Special Activity (MCPS Form 560-50).

Students must submit the Student Service Learning Activity Verification Form (MCPS Form 560-51) to the Service Learning Coordinator to get credit for hours, except for those earned in middle school classes. 

More about SSL in Montgomery County Public Schools

If you need more information, check the MCPS Service Learning website or contact Mr. Bayeck, Service Learning Coordinator. 

Helpful Tips
  • Use MCPS SSL to access SSL information including the list of pre-approved organizations and activities.
  • Check out the home site
  • Turn in all SSL forms to the SSL myMCPS Classroom.
  • Forms are also available in the main office, guidance office, or media center.
Need information about SSL?

Check below for information on Service Projects. You should also check the myMCPS SSL classroom page. You are encouraged to check for approval first before assuming that the activity is approved.