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Summary of Changes

2018-2019 School Year


New Board of Education Policies

COA Student Well-being and School Safety

On June 24, 2019, the Board of Education approved new Board Policy COA, Student Well-being and School Safety.  This new policy builds upon the ongoing work of Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) to promote student well-being and school safety. In spring 2017, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) launched a comprehensive review of MCPS protocols, practices, and infrastructure related to the critical imperative of maintaining safe, orderly learning environments for all students. Findings and recommendations were reported to the Montgomery County Board of Education in the summer of 2017, and spring 2018. Of particular note, the 2018 Report detailed that, while cameras, other technology, and security staff are critical for school safety, it is equally important to foster a culture and climate that incorporates safety into daily operations at every school. Research clearly shows that safe schools are built on a foundation-consistent with MCPS' core values of equity, relationships, and respect-that ensures:

  • all students have positive relationships with at least one responsible adult,
  • all students, faculty, and staff are treated with respect,
  • the diversity of MCPS school communities is fully embraced, and
  • all students' families and the broader community are fully engaged in supporting student success. 

The new policy also ties together the district's policy on Wellness: Physical and Nutritional Health, and its work on the Be Well 365: The Framework to Support the Physical, Social, and Psychological Well-being of All Students initiative. Specifically, draft Policy COA addresses safety from the perspective of:

  • promoting a positive a school climate,
  • accountability for all,
  • behavioral threat assessment,
  • facilities, security staff, and technology,
  • collaboration with county partners including health and law enforcement agencies, and
  • emergency planning and preparedness.

Policy COA also incorporates key requirements set forth in the Maryland Safe to Learn Act of 2018 regarding behavioral threat assessment teams, and the identification of a mental health coordinator and a school safety coordinator to serve as a liaison between local law enforcement agencies and the Maryland Center for School Safety. Draft Policy COA as also adopts the tenets of the Maryland Center for School Safety's Maryland's Model Policy for Behavior Threat Assessment, including authorization for MCPS to establish procedures for the assessment of and intervention with students, staff, parents/guardians, contractors, and non-affiliated individuals on school property whose behavior poses a threat to the safety of school staff or students.   

Finally, the policy incorporates language from the ten principles to protect all students' safety, privacy, and right to an equal education developed by 40 nationally-recognized education, privacy, disability rights, and civil rights organizations. The ten principles focus on keeping students safe while respecting their dignity and encouraging their individual growth. 

Amended Board of Education Policies 

BBB Ethics

The Montgomery County Board of Education recognizes that our system of representative government is dependent, in part, upon maintaining the highest trust in our public officials and employees.  Furthermore, our community has a right to be assured that the impartiality and independent judgement of public officials and employees will be maintained.  As such, the Board amended Policy BBB, Ethics, on April 9, 2019, to align with current Maryland law and the Maryland State Ethics Commission model provisions for local governments and school board.  

BFA Policysetting

The Montgomery County Board of Education amended Policy BFA, Policysetting, on April 9, 2019, to update stakeholder involvement procedures in alignment with current Board practice.  In addition, the policy was amended to advise persons submitting public comments on Board policies that those comments become part of the public record and are publicized along with the Board Policy Management Committee's (Committee) recommendations to the Board for final action on Board policies.  Policy BFA also was revised to provide rules of interpretation, and to permit the Board to take action at a full Board meeting to suspend all or part of a policy when a change in law or exigent circumstances with systematic implications necessitate the temporary suspension of all or part of an individual policy, then direct that the policy be reviewed by the Committee at its next scheduled meeting for recommendation for further action.  Further revisions include updating procedures regarding technical amendments to bring Board policies into alignment with current Board practice or a more recently enacted Board policy, or to comply with federal, state, or local law; and to update directory information or delegate responsibility to an office that performs the relevant function if the office identified in the policy no longer exists.  Additional revisions establish a process for documenting when the Committee reviews a policy and recommends no substantive changes.  

BLB Rules of Procedure in Appeals and Hearings

On September 11, 2018, the Board of Education approved technical amendments to Board Policy BLB, Rules of Procedure in Appeals and Hearing, to ensure compliance with a new state law which became effective on October 1, 2018. During the 2018 Legislative Session, the Maryland General Assembly passed Senate Bill 639 which modified the procedures for suspending or dismissing a teacher, principal, supervisor, assistant superintendent, or other professional assistant by authorizing such an individual to request a hearing before an arbitrator instead of the local board of education.  To  facilitate the implementation of the new process, staff, in consultation with representatives of each of the three associations, the Montgomery County Education Associations (MCEA), Service Employees International Union, Local 500  (SEIU), and Montgomery County Association of Administrators & Principals  and Montgomery County Business and Operations Administrators (MCAAP/MCBOA), recommended the following language: 

In the event the individual requests a hearing before an arbitrator, the Board shall refer the matter to the superintendent of schools, who shall designate appropriate staff to engage in the process to select an arbitrator according to the provisions of Section 6-202(a).  The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the individual and the Board, subject to judicial review governed by the Maryland Uniform Arbitration Act.

FAA Educational Facilities Planning

On September 24, 2018, the Board of Education amended and renamed Board Policy FAA, Educational Facilities Planning, (formerly Long-range Educational Facilities Planning).  The amended policy reaffirms the Board of Education's commitment to continuing to provide high-quality facilities that support the educational programming needed to ensure that every Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) student is well-prepared for success.  Policy FAA establishes an educational facilities planning process that effectively anticipates MCPS educational facility needs and establishes a framework for making equitable and fiscally responsible facility decisions in an uncertain future, while considering instructional program priorities, physical condition of the schools, and the impact of under- or overutilized facilities on the educational program.

IGK Career Readiness

On April 9, 2019, the Board of Education amended and renamed Board Policy IGK, Career Readiness, (formerly Career and Technology Education).  The amended policy establishes a vision for prekindergarten through Grade 12 career readiness programming that is embedded in the instructional program and offer rigorous academic coursework with technical instruction and real-world work experiences for students.  Policy IGK sets forth a comprehensive career readiness strategy that promotes:  developing knowledge in core subjects along with cognitive strategies and learning skills and techniques such as goal setting, persistence, self-awareness, time management, collaborative learning, and self-efficacy; exposing students to a broad array of careers to inform the development of their career aspirations consistent with their interests; encouraging students to think strategically and creatively about what can and should be included in their school experiences; preparing all students for the postsecondary education and training they will need to achieve their aspirations; and providing students with transition skills to access postsecondary opportunities.  Further revisions to the policy reflect the guiding principles and focus areas set forth in the Education Strategy Group's career readiness review, Preparing All Students for Economic and Career Success, and provide opportunities for students to acquire the skills needed to be prepared for the range of roles available in the 21st century economy, which values short-term, meaningful career credentials in addition to four-year college degrees.  These revisions align career readiness programming with all state and federal requirements for career and technical education, and set the course to prepare students for success in high-skilled, living wage occupations in current or emerging in-demand industry sectors.  

JEA  Residency, Tuition, and Enrollment

On September 11, 2018, the Board of Education amended and reindexed Board Policy JEA, Residency, Tuition, and Enrollment , (formerly Policy JED).  The amended policy affirms the Board's commitment to an effective, efficient, and equitable enrollment process for all qualified Montgomery County students and to set forth criteria for the enrollment of resident and nonresident students in accordance with Maryland law.

KBA Policy on Public Information

On May 14, 2019, the Board of Education amended Board Policy KBA, Policy on Public Information, to set forth a vision for effective communication with members of the Montgomery County community across a variety of existing and emerging media and communication channels appropriate to the purposes, needs, opportunities, and obligations of the school district and the community.  With this policy, the Board seeks to encourage respect, trust, confidence, and a unified understanding of the educational program and operations of MCPS. Furthermore, the revisions will document the Board's expectations for communicating appropriate information to the public in a timely and complete manner, while striving to confirm the accuracy of such information and to provide clear, concise, and publicly accessible explanatory context, when possible.

Additional revisions to Policy KBA, Policy on Public Information, are to affirm the value students, staff, parents/guardians, and other members of the community place on student data privacy. Furthermore, the revisions affirm that the Board is committed to adhering to all legal obligations regarding the protection, and appropriate disclosure, of student and employee information, in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations regarding data collection, privacy, and security, including but not limited to the requirements of Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment, the Maryland Student Privacy Act of 2015, and the Maryland Public Information Act. The revisions incorporate and expand concepts and policy-level guidance from Board Policy KBB, Release of Data, which was rescinded upon adoption of revised Policy KBA. 

Revised MCPS Regulations  

COB-RA Incident Reporting

On September 5, 2018, MCPS Regulation COB-RA, Reporting a Serious Incident, was renamed MCPS Regulation COB-RA, Incident Reporting,  and substantially revised by the superintendent of schools to align with the recently developed "one-call" protocol established by the Office of School Support and Improvement (OSSI) that directs principals/director/designees to call OSSI for most incidents.  Following the call, OSSI contacts other relevant offices, and begins a record in the Incident Management System (IMS) to be completed later by the principal/director.  The regulation clarifies protocols set forth in the Memorandum of Understanding between the Montgomery County Public Schools and law enforcement, and defines the categories of reportable incidents in alignment with federal and state reporting requirements, Board policies, and MCPS regulations and rules.

On December 17, 2018, MCPS Regulation COB-RA, Incident Reporting, was further revised to clarify procedures related to reported incidents of sexual harassment of students, as well as reported incidents of bullying, harassment, and intimidation, when sexual harassment is not a factor.

EEB-RA  Operation and Care of MCPS Buses

On July 16, 2018, the superintendent of schools revised MCPS Regulation EEB-RA, Operation and Care of MCPS Buses. This regulation was updated to permit MCPS buses to travel at the posted speed limit, instead of the previously stated 55 miles per hour. This update was needed to address the operation of MCPS buses on the Inter-County Connector.  Additional updates are as follows: 

  • Persons on MCPS property, including passengers on school buses, may be subject to audio and video camera surveillance with posted notification, and any student or employee may be disciplined based on evidence gathered through such audio and video surveillance. 
  • Updated language aligns with current MCPS regulations governing personal mobile devices and service animals. 
  • Additional updates provide notification that clarify provisions in the related Board policy, MCPS regulations, and Maryland law regarding alcohol, tobacco, and other drug abuse.
  • Existing language in Regulation EEB-RA instructs bus operators and attendants to report student violations of behavior and safety rules using MCPS Form 555-3, School Bus Disciplinary Report. The form has been updated to align with current requirements related to reporting and investigating bullying, harassment, or intimidation.  As in any case of bullying, harassment, or intimidation, the parent/guardian/student may file a report, and the school administrator is responsible for conducting an investigation.  In the case of such conduct on a bus, the bus operator/attendant uses Form 555-3 to collect additional information to support the school administrator's investigation.

FAA-RA Educational Facilities Planning

On May 2, 2019, Regulation FAA-RA, Long-range Educational Facilities Planning, was revised and renamed MCPS Regulation FAA-RA, Educational Facilities Planning, by the superintendent of schools to align with Board Policy FAA, Educational Facilities Planning. The revised regulation develops procedures for implementing the three key components of Board Policy FAA:  1) ongoing analyses of student enrollment projections and the physical condition of educational facilities and building systems; 2) stakeholder engagement and input into facility decision making; and 3) a decision-making framework that generates responsive options and leads to equitable and fiscally responsible and educationally sound decisions, in compliance with all local, state, and federal requirements, taking into account the equity implications of Board Policy ACA, Nondiscrimination, Equity, and Cultural Proficiency

Updates include the following:

  • Key Facility Indicators are defined and a procedure is established for baseline data to be reviewed and updated periodically and made publicly available.  
  • Revised language clarifies how recommendations from the superintendent of schools to the Board will demonstrate the extent to which any recommendation advances the four factors set forth in Board Policy FAA, which include demographic characteristics of the student population, geography, stability of school assignments over time, and facility utilization.
  • Permissible school site size requirements take into account limitations on available site sizes in the geographic area, density of population, and planning considerations. 
  • The facility planning decision-making framework is updated to set forth options for responding to facility needs to include county-wide systemic replacement projects and major capital projects, along with non-capital strategies to address capacity requirements and facility needs. 
  • New language has been developed to implement the vision for longer term planning set forth in Board Policy FAA. 
  • Revised language updates guidelines for stakeholder engagement processes for specified facilities-related issues in alignment with Board Policy FAA, which requires input from multiple stakeholders, broad representation from affected communities, and the use of broad outreach using multiple strategies for obtaining stakeholder engagement which may vary, as appropriate, according to the nature, size, and scope of the facility-related process. 
  • Further updates set forth processes to establish the scope of facility-related options to be put forward for stakeholder engagement.  Prior to the development of specific options to be put forward for stakeholder engagement, the superintendent of schools recommends to the Board the potential scope of the facility-related options in terms of the geographical area(s) of the county potentially impacted.  The draft revisions to the regulation set forth a multi-step process by which the superintendent of schools develops recommendations for the Board, and the process MCPS staff follow once the Board establishes the potential scope of possibilities that may be considered.

IGP-RA  Comprehensive Health Education Instructional Program

On July 5, 2018, the superintendent of schools revised MCPS Regulation IGP-RA, Comprehensive Health Education Instructional Program, to comply with Maryland House Bill 0251 (HB0251), Education- Family Life and Human Sexuality Curriculum-Boundaries and Consent, which requires, beginning in the 2018-2019 school year, local boards of education to provide age-appropriate instruction on the meaning of "consent" and respect for personal boundaries as part of the Family Life and Human Sexuality curriculum in every grade in which the curriculum is taught in public schools.  A footnote has been added to indicate that "consent" is defined as the unambiguous and voluntary agreement between all participants in each physical act within the course of interpersonal relationships, including respect for personal boundaries. Additionally, we have added Section 7-441 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article to the Related Sources section of the regulation.  The bill takes effect July 1, 2018.  

IOE-RA Guidelines for the Continuing Education of Pregnant and Parenting Students

On September 25, 2018, a technical amendment was made to MCPS Regulation IOE-RA, Guidelines for the Continuing Education of Pregnant and Parenting Students.  Code of Maryland Regulations §13A.08.01.06 was removed from the Related Sources section of the regulation upon repeal by the Maryland State Department of Education. 

IOI-RA Placement Procedures for Alternative Programs

On July 30, 2018, the superintendent of schools revised MCPS Regulation IOI-RA, Placement Procedures for Alternative Programs.  This regulation has been updated to align procedures with the redesign of the Alternative Programs model. The revised regulation reflects the priorities of the redesigned program for all three levels of Alternative Programs, as well as updated priorities for the Alternative Programs Admissions Committee (APAC).  Revisions include:  

  • Updated language which sets a clear vision that MCPS staff shall refer students to Alternative Programs based on the assessment of clear, developmentally appropriate, and relevant factors, making sure that placement decisions are based on criteria that are consistently, equitably, and fairly applied. 
  • APAC, and other staff as appropriate, shall review aggregated data about Alternative Program referrals, without disclosing personally identifiable information, for the purpose of informing placement decisions and evaluating the implementation of Alternative Programs in alignment with Board of Education Policy ACA, Nondiscrimination, Equity, and Cultural Proficiency
  • Based on the needs of each individual student, criteria shall be set, and monitored at regular intervals, for students entering Level 1 and Level 2 Alternative Programs, to determine the student's academic, behavioral, social, and/or emotional progress in the program. 
  • Consistent with MCPS Regulation JGA-RB, Suspension and Expulsion, the revised regulation states that students placed in Level 3 Alternative Programs are expected to return to their regular academic programs, and a multi-stakeholder group shall monitor the student's progress and plan for the student's transition and successful return.  However, students who have been successful in the Level 3 program may voluntarily transition to the Level 2 program upon the request of the parent/guardian, or eligible student, as appropriate.
  • The updated regulation authorizes the superintendent of schools/designee to develop pilot recovery programs for the purpose of supporting students returning to MCPS from substance abuse treatment programs. 

JEA-RB Enrollment of Students

On September 24, 2018, the superintendent of schools revised MCPS Regulation JEA-RB, Enrollment of Students, to align with recently revised Board Policy JED, Residency, Tuition, and Enrollment (reindexed as JEA), update directory information, and to provide clarification of current procedures.  Following are highlights of edits made to Regulation JEA-RB: 

  • Requirements for residency contained in MCPS Regulation JED-RA Residency and Tuition,  (being revised, renamed, and reindexed as MCPS Regulation JEA-RE, Tuition Based Enrollment ), and MCPS Regulation JEA-RB, Enrollment of Students,  have been consolidated into MCPS Regulation JEA-RB. Updated language clarifies the documentation required to satisfy residency requirements.   
  • Requirements for enrollment based on a crisis or under Maryland Informal Kinship care have been updated as follows: 
    • The child must be a resident of Maryland and living with a relative (as defined in the regulation) in Montgomery County due to a specific serious family hardship.
    • The relative must complete MCPS Form 334-17, Affidavit:  Children in Informal Kinship Care , to document the hardship, then submit the form annually, as appropriate. 
  • Requirements for enrollment based on shared housing are clarified as follows: 
    • When a parent/guardian/eligible student seeks to enroll on the basis of shared housing with a homeowner or renter who has a bona fide residence within a MCPS school area, MCPS Form 335-74, Shared Housing Disclosure , must be completed and notarized.   
    • The parent/guardian/eligible student must also provide at least three additional appropriate supporting documents to demonstrate that the parent/guardian/eligible student is living at the address. 
    • The revisions to this regulation permit that MCPS Form 335-74, signed by the person with whom the parent/guardian/eligible student is sharing housing, may be counted as one of the three required proofs of residency. 
  • Circumstances under which a student must be referred to International Enrollment and Admissions are as follows: 
    • Students over the age of seven who have not attended school within the U.S. or a U.S. school system within the past two years must be referred to International Admissions and Enrollment (IAE). 
    • Enrollment of these students will be handled in accordance with MCPS Regulation JEA-RC, Enrollment and Placement of International and Foreign Students . 
  • Students who are unable to satisfy the enrollment criteria above can only enroll in MCPS if they pay tuition in accordance with MCPS Regulation JEA-RE, Tuition Based Enrollment .  (Formerly titled Regulation JED-RA, Residency and Tuition
JEA-RE Tuition-based Enrollment

 On April 3, 2019, the superintendent of schools revised, reindexed, and renamed MCPS Regulation JED-RA, Residency and Tuition, to MCPS Regulation JEA-RE, Tuition-based Enrollment, to align with recent revisions to Board Policy JEA, Residency, Tuition, and Enrollment.  The revisions also update directory information, align with related revisions of MCPS Regulation JEA-RB, Enrollment of Students, and provide clarification of current procedures as follows: 

Requirements for residency formerly contained in MCPS Regulation JED-RA, Residency and Tuition,  have been revised and consolidated into MCPS Regulation JEA-RB, Enrollment of Students. Updated language in MCPS Regulation JEA-RB clarifies the documentation required to satisfy residency requirements.  

The limited circumstances under which a student may enroll in MCPS by paying tuition are subject to the following conditions:  

  • A family's willingness to pay tuition does not guarantee placement in the school of choice.
  • Tuition-paying students will not be placed in schools that exceed capacity for enrollment.
  • Factors such as building utilization as well as potential school options and available space at the child's grade level are considered.
  • MCPS will identify schools that are ineligible for tuition-paying enrollments based on school and cluster capacity, grade level enrollment, building utilization, educational programming, and staffing, as well as principal input.

MCPS Regulation JEA-RE clarifies the process whereby out-of-state social service agencies place students in a Montgomery County foster or group home. 

  • Full tuition is owed for the full semester in which a student is enrolled, regardless of the enrollment or withdrawal date.  Children of full-time MCPS employees who reside outside of Montgomery County and are approved for tuition-paying status must either use payroll deductions for payments throughout the school year or pay full annual tuition prior to the beginning of the school year. 
  • The regulation sets forth the limited circumstances when tuition will be prorated or a prorated refund will be issued.

 JEE-RA Student Transfers and Administrative Placements

On January 7, 2019, the superintendent of schools revised MCPS Regulation JEE-RA, Student Transfers and Administrative Placements, to align with changes made to the 2019-2020 Change of School Assignment (COSA) booklet regarding students receiving special education services that are not offered in all schools. 

Specifically, the change clarifies that COSA requests from a student whose Individualized Education Program (IEP) requires special education services that are not offered in all schools should follow the regular COSA process, although the parent/guardian should indicate on the COSA form that the student receives special education services in a specialized program in addition to submitting appropriate documentation indicating the reason for the COSA request.  Decisions regarding requests for student receiving special education services that are not available in all schools will be made after July 1.  

JFA-RA Student Rights and Responsibilities

On December 4, 2018,  Regulation JFA-RA, Student Rights and Responsibilities,  was revised by the superintendent of schools to align with a recently revised Board of Education Policy and several MCPS regulations, as well as the 2018-2019 A Student's Guide to Rights and Responsibilities in MCPS Handbook.  Highlights of these revisions include:

JGA-RB Suspension and Expulsion

On September 3, 2018, MCPS Regulation JGA-RB, Suspension and Expulsion, was revised by the superintendent of schools to align with a new Maryland law regarding the restricted use of suspension for not more than 5school days of Prekindergarten (Pre-K)-Grade 2 students to include the language "per incident," to promptly notify the Pre-K-Grade 2 student's parent/guardian of the suspension or expulsion, and to add a definition of Restorative Practices. 

JPA-RB Safety and Screening Programs: Lead, Hearing, and Vision

On October 17, 2018, MCPS Regulation JPA-RB, Screening Programs: Lead, Hearing, and Vision, was updated and renamed MCPS Regulation JPA-RB, Safety and Screening Programs: Lead, Hearing, and Vision by the superintendent of schools.  The revised regulation aligns with Maryland House Bill 798 Visual Impairments - Requirements for Student Vision Screening and Information (Atticus Act)  which alters notice requirements related to student hearing and vision screenings. Notice and specified educational materials must be given to parents or guardians for all students receiving hearing and vision screenings.  For students who fail the vision screening, additional information must be provided, as specified.  Vision and hearing screenings must be administered unless evidence is presented that a student has been tested by an optometrist or ophthalmologist within the past year. The bill took effect July 1, 2018.  MCPS is working with the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services to develop forms and educational materials to send home to parents/guardians which meet these new state mandated notification requirements. Additional edits were made to the regulation to include reference to state and federal guidelines regarding the safety of school and office drinking water, and for updates to lead poisoning screening by health care providers for certain children enrolling in MCPS and who have ever lived in an at-risk area designated by the Maryland Department of Health. 

JPG-RA Wellness:  Physical and Nutritional Health

MCPS Regulation JPG-RA, Wellness: Physical and Nutritional Health, was reviewed and revised by the superintendent of schools on August 20, 2018, to ensure consistency with the recently enacted Maryland law (House Bill 427) requiring public schools to permit students to possess and use topical sunscreen on school property or at a school-sponsored activity without written permission from a health care provider. The bill took effect July 1, 2018.

KLA-RA  Responding to Inquiries and Complaints from the Public

On July 5, 2018, the superintendent of schools revised MCPS Regulation KLA-RA, Responding to Inquiries and Complaints from the Public, to describe the office collaboration process when a concern or complaint is not resolved through the informal process and involves a complaint of discrimination based on perceived personal characteristics as defined in Board Policy ACA, Nondiscrimination, Equity, and Cultural Proficiency. The regulation specifically requires involvement of the Office of School Support and Improvement and the Office of Employee Engagement and Labor Relations when MCPS staff members are involved in complaints of bullying, harassment, or intimidation.  The revised regulation also clarifies the timeline for the Office of the Chief Operating Officer, as the superintendent of school's designee, to complete review of complaints in alignment with Board Policy BLB, Rules of Procedures in Appeals and Hearings

Rescinded Board of Education Policies

FKB  Sustaining and Modernizing Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Facilities

Tenets of Board Policy FKB, Sustaining and Modernizing MCPS Facilities, were incorporated into amendments to Policy FAA, Educational Facilities Planning, and Policy FKB was rescinded upon adoption of amended Board Policy FAA on September 24, 2018.

KBB Release of Data

Tenets of Board Policy KBB, Release of Data, were incorporated into amendments to Policy KBA, Policy on Public Information, and Policy KBB was rescinded upon adoption of amended Board Policy KBA on May 14, 2019.  

Rescinded MCPS Regulations

JED-RA Residency and Tuition

Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Regulation JED-RA, Residency and Tuition, was revised, reindexed, and renamed MCPS Regulation JEA-RE, Tuition Based Enrollment, on April 3, 2019, to align with recent revisions to Board Policy JEA, Residency, Tuition, and Enrollment.