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Summary of Changes

2014-2015 School Year

New Policies and Regulations

JGA-RC Suspension and Expulsion of Students with Disabilities

On August 7, 2014, the superintendent approved Regulation JGA-RC, Suspension and Expulsion of Students with Disabilities. This new regulation is made up of language about suspension and expulsion of students with disabilities formerly located in MCPS Regulation JGA-RB, Suspension and Expulsion, and MCPS Regulation ACG-RB, Reasonable Accommodations, and Modifications for Students Eligible Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The regulation reflects current practice and requirements of Maryland law.


Revised Policies

 DNA Management of Board of Education Property

On January 13, 2015, the Board adopted Policy DNA, Management of Board of Education Property.  The policy was updated to include changes to the purpose and additional language about authorization, fair market value, preapproval for modifications, right of reclamation, and preferred use of property.

GHC Salaries and Other Benefits of Administrators and Supervisors, Business and Operations Administrators, and Teacher-Level Employees

On April 14, 2015, the Board adopted Policy GHC, Salaries and Other Benefits of Administrators and Supervisors, Business and Operations Administrators, and Teacher-Level Employees. The policy was updated to clarify that the Business and Operations Administrators are specifically included in the policy provisions. A section was edited to clarify that salary increases for personnel on nonscheduled salaries are to be aligned with salary adjustments in the negotiated employee agreements.

GIH Funding Other Post-Employment Benefits

On April 14, 2015, the Board adopted Policy GIH, Funding Other Post-Employment Benefits.  The policy was updated to more fully reflect that funding other post-employment benefits is both a priority and a responsibility to which the Board is committed. 

JGA Student Discipline

On January 13, 2015, the Board adopted Policy JGA, Student Discipline.  The policy was updated to align with new state regulations and affirm the Board’s commitment to a disciplined learning environment that is safe, positive, and respectful; increases student engagement; boosts student achievement; and, when possible, prevents student misbehavior before it occurs.  Revisions to the policy also align with guidelines released by the U.S. Departments of Education and Justice regarding school discipline.

JHC Child Abuse and Neglect

On June 29, 2015, the Board adopted changes to Policy JHC, Child Abuse and Neglect.  The policy was updated to clarify procedures and protocols related to recognizing, reporting, and preventing suspected child abuse and neglect of students so that:

  • All employees understand and are held accountable for the highest ethical standards in their conduct, as well as adhering to legal mandates and the moral imperative to recognize report, and prevent suspected child abuse and neglect;
  • Children and vulnerable adults who are alleged victims of abuse and/or neglect are supported;
  • Human resource management systems and processes for screening new and existing employees are developed;
  • Professional learning for MCPS employees is developed and implemented; and
  • Opportunities are provided for parents, outside contractors, volunteers, and the broader community to develop awareness on recognizing, reporting, and preventing abuse and neglect of children and vulnerable adults.

Revised Regulations

ACG-RB Reasonable Accommodations and Modifications for Students Eligible Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

On September 9, 2014, the superintendent approved Regulation ACG-RB, Reasonable Accommodations and Modifications for Students Eligible Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This regulation was revised to align with related regulation revisions in compliance with current Maryland Laws regarding suspension and expulsion of students. Language relevant to suspension and expulsion formerly located in Regulation ACG-RB has been redacted, relocated, and revised as needed in the new Regulation JGA-RC, Suspension and Expulsion of Students with Disabilities.

AFA-RA Research and Other Data Collection Activities in Montgomery County Public Schools      

On November 18, 2014, the superintendent approved Regulation AFA-RA, Research and Other Data Collection Activities in Montgomery County Public Schools.  This regulation was revised to update responsible offices.

CFB-RA Public Charter Schools     

On February 2, 2015, the superintendent approved Regulation CFB-RA, Public Charter Schools.  This regulation was revised to include new definitions for Charter School Liaison, due date.

COE-RA Weapons

On August 11, 2014, the superintendent approved Regulation COE-RA, Weapons. This regulation has been revised to comply with current Maryland laws regarding suspension and expulsion of students. The regulation references the new Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Code of Conduct and related MCPS suspension and expulsion regulations.

COF-RA Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs on Montgomery County Public Schools Property

On July 22, 2014, the superintendent approved Regulation COF-RA, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs on Montgomery County Public Schools Property. This regulation has been updated to address so-called “e-cigarettes” or vaporizers on Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) property. A definition of smoking devices has been added to include devices that simulate tobacco smoking; use of smoking devices has been added as a prohibited activity on MCPS property; and local schools are authorized to prohibit students from possessing tobacco or smoking devices on school property.

DIE-RA Travel for Montgomery County Public Schools(MCPS) Purposes

On April 24, 2015, the interim superintendent approved Regulation DIE-RA, Travel for Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Purposes. This regulation was revised to include new a new background section, a new definition for Conus per diem rate along with a change to the local travel definition. Sections also were added under reimbursable expenses, transportation, lodging, and ticketed events.

FAA-RA Long-Range Educational Facilities Planning                       

On June 6, 2015, the interim superintendent approved Regulation FAA-RA, Long-range Educational Facilities Planning.  This regulation was revised to reflect current practice and reorganized to streamline language regarding related processes.  A new section IV has been created to co-locate all calculations, formulas, and analyses produced for the purposes of long-range planning.  Section VII consolidates community involvement processes, including procedures for conducting advisory committees and roundtables.

FFA-RA Naming School Facilities

On August 7, 2014, the superintendent approved Regulation FFA-RA, Naming School Facilities. This regulation has been revised to update responsible offices and to reflect current practice.

IGO-RA Guidelines for Incidents of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Abuse Involving Students

On August 11, 2014, the superintendent approved Regulation IGO-RA, Guidelines for Incidents of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Abuse Involving Students. This regulation has been revised to address so-called “e-cigarettes” or vaporizers on Montgomery County Public Schools property, and to align with recent changes to Regulation COF-RA, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs on Montgomery County Public Schools Property, also addressing e-cigarettes.

IRB-RA Volunteers in Schools

On July 14, 2014, the superintendent approved Regulation IRB-RA, Volunteers in Schools. This regulation has been updated to include a new related source, background section and updated procedures for volunteers in schools. The responsible offices have also been revised.

JEA-RA Student Attendance

On September 11, 2014, the superintendent approved Regulation JEA-RA, Student Attendance. This regulation was revised to update the attendance process for classroom teachers.

JEC-RA Student Withdrawals from Classes and School

On May 21, 2015, the interim superintendent approved Regulation JEC-RA, Student Withdrawals from Classes and School.  This regulation was revised to comply with changes in Maryland law.  Effective 7/1/15, the age at which students may withdraw from school increases from 16 to 17 (an additional change, effective 7/1/16, will increase the age at which students may withdraw from school from 17 to 18).

JFA-RA Student Rights and Responsibilities

On December 19, 2014, the superintendent approved Regulation JFA-RA, Student Rights and Responsibilities.  This regulation was revised to include language about so-called “e-cigarettes” and vaporizers to align with recent changes to Regulation COF-RA, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs on Montgomery County Public Schools Property.  Language about student discipline has also been revised to align with the development of the MCPS Code of Conduct and related regulatory revisions regarding suspension and expulsion of students.

JGA-RB Suspension and Expulsion

On July 21, 2014, the superintendent approved Regulation JGA-RB, Suspension and Expulsion. The Maryland State Department of Education put forth guidance to all of Maryland’s public schools to reform school discipline policies and practices related to suspension and expulsion of students. Revisions to the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) required all Maryland school districts to revise regulations related to suspension and expulsion by the beginning of the 2014–2015 school year.

JHF-RA Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation

On October 27, 2014, the superintendent approved Regulation JHF-RA, Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation.  This regulation was revised to include procedures for students with disabilities.

Revised Exhibits

COB-EA Reporting Delinquent Acts (State Regulation)

In September 2014, Exhibit COB-EA, Reporting Delinquent Acts (State Regulation) was updated to comply with changes in Maryland law.

COE-EA Deadly Weapons on Public School Property (State Law)

In July 2014, Exhibit COE-EA, Deadly Weapons on Public School Property (State Law) was updated to comply with changes in Maryland law.

COE-EB Firearms (U.S. Code)

In July 2014, Exhibit COE-EB, Firearms (U.S. Code) was updated to comply with changes in Maryland law.