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Maryland State Board of Examiners (MSBE) Licenses for Occupational Therapists (OT), Physical Therapists (PT), Social Workers, and Speech Pathologists

General Information about Licenses

All professionals who are required to hold licenses must maintain a valid license while employed with MCPS. A copy of the license must be submitted at initial employment and at each renewal cycle. Although a reminder will be send from the certification unit to the license holder, it is the responsibility of each license holder to provide the renewal documentation when each license expires. Without the valid license, the OT, PT, social worker or speech pathologist cannot continue to provide services for MCPS. Failure to provide the valid license will result in termination of employment.

Occupational Therapists and Physical Therapists

All occupational and physical therapists must maintain a valid Maryland State Board of Examiners license for their field.

Social Workers

Although social workers are certificated employees, they must also maintain the MSBE license in order to renew their Maryland certificate.

Speech Pathologist

  • If employed prior to October 2007, speech pathologist may hold either a valid MSBE license or a valid Maryland professional certificate. If the speech pathologist should allow the Maryland certificate to lapse, they would be required to obtain a MSBE license from that point forward.
  • If employed after October 2007, all speech pathologists are required to hold a MSDE license.

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